Category Archives: Breakfast

The Queen Mum’s Fave Cake

Just in time for our Royal Wedding Sleepover!

My aunt invited me over to watch the Royal wedding and have brunch in our pjs so I thought it would be fun to bring something along to share. My grandmother gave me my great-grandmother’s little box of recipe cards last year and it’s full of classic British meals so I figured I’d try one of them – low-and-behold, one jumped right out at me:

I just love how this card was put together: typed (with a correction made), and the specifications re: “Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother’s” (incase you weren’t sure who she was) and then the added note at the bottom: “Note: This is the Queen Mother’s favourite recipe” – and yet there are no real directions. Nothing is written on the back of the card and I didn’t see a second one in the box to explain what temperature to bake everything at or for how long (I usually require very specific directions when it comes to cooking/baking and even then I tend to get it not-quite-right) Continue reading

Sunday Brunch

Sunday brunch with family and friends this morning!

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Brunch trial

I’ve got family coming for brunch this weekend and I’m trying to find some dishes I could make ahead so that all I’d have to do is heat them and serve. I really want some sort of egg dish – thought I’d try my hand at some mini quiches and see (1) if they’re any good and (2) if they’ll freeze.

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